Double Convoluted Air Spring 2B270-225 DS185

Replaces these air springs (Air Bellows / Air Actuator)
Continental ContiTech: FD 210-22 DS 67403
Continental ContiTech: FD 210-22 1/2 M10
Continental ContiTech: FD 210-22 DS G1/2
Continental ContiTech: FD 210-22 DS G1/2 M10
Continental ContiTech: FD 210-22 DS / FD210-22DS / FD21022DS
Continental ContiTech Bellow: FD 210-22 / FD210-22 / FD21022
Firestone No.: W01-R58-4058 / W01 R58 4058 / W01R584058
Firestone No.: W01-R58-4059 / W01 R58 4059 / W01R584059
Firestone Style: 10″ x 2 / 10″x2 / 10×2
Goodyear: 2B10-2350 / 2B10 2350 / 2B102350
Goodyear Flex No.: 578-92-3-2350 / 578 92 3 2350 / 5789232350
Springride: 2B10-2350 / 2B10 2350 / 2B102350
Springride Flex No.: 578-92-3-2350 / 578 92 3 2350 / 5789232350
Dunlop FR: 10″x2 SP1538
Dunlop UK (Pneuride): PNP 30545 01 12 / PNP305450112
Norgren: M/31102 / M 31102 / M31102
Nominal Ø (inch) x convolutions: 10″ x 2 / 10″x2 / 10×2
Parker: 10″x2 9109021
WEFORMA: WBZ-G 450 / WBZ-G450 / WBZG450
Airtech: 140586
Airtech Style: A2 250/K01 / A2250/K01 / A2250K01
Prime-Ride New: 2B10-2350 / 2B10 2350 / 2B102350
Prime-Ride New Flex No.: 578-92-3-2350 / 578 92 3 2350 / 5789232350
YS-AIR: YS-252-2V / YS 252 2V / YS2522V
Manufacturer Original-part no. Model
Granning 15807
SAMRO H 250-0021 / H250-0021 / H2500021

Sleeve Type Air Spring 1S90-45 A013

Sleeve Type Air Spring 1S90-45 A013
Replaces these air springs
Firestone No.: W02-358-3000 / W02 358 3000 / W023583000
Firestone Style: 1M1A-0 / 1M1A 0 / 1M1A0
Firestone No.: W02-358-3001 / W02 358 3001 / W023583001
Firestone Style: 1M1A-0 / 1M1A 0 / 1M1A0
Firestone No.: W02-358-3005 / W02 358 3005 / W02 358 3005
Firestone Style: 1M1A-0 / 1M1A 0 / 1M1A0
Firestone No.: W02-M58-3000 / W02 M58 3000 / W02M583000
Firestone Style: 1M1A-0 / 1M1A 0 / 1M1A0
Firestone No.: W02-M58-3001 / W02 M58 3001 / W02M583001
Firestone Style: 1M1A-0 / 1M1A 0 / 1M1A0
ContiTech: SK 37-6 P02 / SK37-6P02 / SK376P02
Goodyear: 1S3-013 / 1S3 013 / 1S3013
Goodyear Flex No.: 579-06-1-367 / 579 06 1 367 / 579061367
Goodyear Flex No.: 579-06-1-349 / 579 06 1 349 / 579061349
Goodyear Piston No.: ASC-06-7-017 / ASC 06 7 017 / ASC067017
Goodyear Cap No.: ASC-06-5-014 / ASC 06 5 014 / ASC065014
Enidine: YI-1S3-013 / YI 1S3 013 / YI1S3013
Bridgestone: W02-M58-3000 / W02 M58 3000 / W02M583000
Bridgestone Style: 1M1A-0 / 1M1A 0 / 1M1A0
Bridgestone: W02-M58-3001 / W02 M58 3001 / W02M583001
Bridgestone Style: 1M1A-0 / 1M1A 0 / 1M1A0
Manufacturer Original-part no. Model

Single Convoluted Air Spring 1B175-55 D185

Replaces These Air Springs (Air Bellows)
Continental ContiTech: FS 76-7 1/2 M10
Continental ContiTech: FS 76-7 DS CR / FS76-7DSCR
Continental ContiTech: FS 76-07 DS G1/2 CR
Continental ContiTech Bellow: FS 76-7 / FS76-7 / FS767
Firestone No.: W01-R58-4052 / W01 R58 4052 / W01R584052
Firestone Style: 6″ x 1 / 6″x1 / 6×1
Dunlop FR: SP153
Dunlop UK (Pneuride): PNP 30551 01 13 / PNP305510113
Norgren: M/31061 / M 31061 / M31061
Nominal Ø (inch) x convolutions: 6″ x 1 / 6″x1 / 6×1
Manufacturer Original-part no. Model

The media of using air springs

Air springs are designed for use with compressed air. Nitrogen is also acceptable. Air springs may be filled with water or water-glycol (automotive antifreeze) solutions. If water is to be used, rust inhibitors should be added to protect the end closures.
Two reasons for liquid filling an air spring are:

  1. To reduce the internal volume of air (and therefore, increase the natural frequency of the air spring) .
  2. To use a media which is incompressible. Accurate positioning would be one reason to do this.

Petroleum base fluids (most hydraulic oils fall into this category) are NOT RECOMMENDED.
Moderately lubricated air will not harm the bellows.

Single Convoluted Air Spring 1B175-55 D111

Replaces These Air Bags (Air Bellows)
Continental ContiTech: FS 76-7 DI CR / FS76-7DICR / FS767DICR
Continental ContiTech: FS 76-07 DI G1/2 CR / FS76-07DI G1/2 CR
Continental ContiTech Bellow: FS 76-7 / FS76-7 / FS767
Firestone No.: W01-R58-4078 / W01 R58 4078 / W01R584078
Firestone Style: 6″ x 1 / 6″x1 / 6×1
Goodyear: 1B6-2052 / 1B6 2052 / 1B62052
Goodyear Flex No.: 578-91-3-2050 / 578 91 3 2050 / 5789132050
Dunlop FR: SP1645 (COMPOSITE)
Dunlop FR: SP2913 (ALUMINIUM)
Dunlop UK (Pneuride): A 3 1330 01 01 / A313300101
Norgren: PM/31061 / PM 31061 / PM31061
Nominal Ø (inch) x convolutions: 6″ x 1 / 6″x1 / 6×1
YS-AIR: YS-160-1VS / YS 160 1VS / YS 160 1VS
Manufacturer Original-part no. Model

Double Convoluted Air Spring 2B180-115 DI111

Replaces These Air Springs (Air Bellows)
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 1/2 M8
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DI G1/2
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DI G1/2 M8
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DI G1/2 CR
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DI CR G1/2
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DI CR / FD76-14DICR / FD7614DICR
Continental ContiTech Bellow: FD 76-14 / FD76-14 / FD7614
Firestone No.: W01-R58-4070 / W01 R58 4070 / W01R584070
Firestone Style: 6″x2
Dunlop FR: 6″x2 SP1646 (COMPOSITE)
Dunlop FR: 6″x2 SP2917 (ALUMINIUM)
Dunlop UK (Pneuride): A 3 1330 02 01 / A313300201
Norgren: PM/31062 / PM 31062 / PM31062
Nominal Ø (inch) x convolutions: 6″ x 2 / 6″x2 / 6×2
Parker: 6″x2 9109001A
YS-AIR: YS-160-2VS / YS 160 2VS / YS1602VS
Manufacturer Original-part no. Model

Double Convoluted Air Spring 2B180-115 DS185

Replaces These Air Springs (Air Bellows)
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DS CR 70215
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 1/2 M10
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DS G1/2
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DS G1/2 CR
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DS CR G1/2
Continental ContiTech: FD 76-14 DS CR / FD76-14DSCR / FD7614DSCR
Continental ContiTech Bellow: FD 76-14 / FD76-14 / FD7614
Firestone No.: W01-R58-4053 / W01 R58 4053 / W01R584053
Firestone Style: 6″ x 2 / 6″x2 / 6×2
Dunlop FR: 6″x2 SP1482
Dunlop UK (Pneuride): PNP 30550 01 12 / PNP30550 0112
Norgren: M/31062 / M 31062 / M31062
Nominal Ø (inch) x convolutions: 6″ x 2 / 6″x2 / 6×2
Parker: 6″x2 9109001
Manufacturer Original-part no. Model

Double Convoluted Air Spring 2B250-200 A106

Technical Data
MAH: 275 mm
SH: 240 mm
DH: 210 mm
MIH: 75 mm
MAD: 250 mm
Replaces These Air Springs
Continental ContiTech: FD 200-19 320 / FD200-19320 / FD20019320
Continental ContiTech: FD 200-19 64267 / FD200-1964267 / FD2001964267
Continental ContiTech: FD 200-19 CI 64267
Continental ContiTech: FD 200-19 1/4NPT 3/8UNC
Continental ContiTech: FD 200-19 1/4NPT 3/8UNC
Continental ContiTech: FD 200-19 CI / FD200-19CI / FD20019CI
Continental ContiTech Bellow: FD 200-19 / FD200-19 / FD20019
Enidine: YI-FD 200-19-910 / YI FD 200-19 910 / YIFD20019910
Enidine: YI-FD 200-19 CI 1/4NPT 3/8-16UNC
Firestone: W01-358-6910 / W01 358 6910 / W013586910
Goodyear: 2B9-200 / 2B9 200 / 2B9200
Goodyear Flex No.: 578-92-3-202 / 578 92 3 202 / 578923202
Enidine: YI-2B9-200 / YI 2B9 200 / YI2B9200
Phoenix: SP 2 B 12 R / SP2B12R
Manufacturer Original-part no. Model
Dayton 354-6910 / 354 6910 / 3546910
Granning 1371
Hendrickson 45843-3 / 45843 3 / 458433
Hendrickson B-8768 / B 8768 / B8768
Load Guard SC 2011 / SC2011
Navistar 554783C1
R&S Truck 1027405
Ridewell S-4512C / S 4512C / S4512C
Ridewell 1003586910C
Taurus AS218-6910 / AS218 6910 / AS2186910
Triangle 4320
Watson&Chalin AS-0001 / AS 0001 / AS0001
MAN 81.46611.6161 / 81 46611 6161 / 81466116161
MAN 81.46611.6152 / 81 46611 6152 / 81466116152
MAN 81.46611.6162 / 81 46611 6162 / 81466116162
MAN 81.46611.6163 / 81 46611 6163 / 81466116163
MAN 82.46610.6183 / 82 46610 6183 / 82466106183
MAN 82.46610.6186 / 82 46610 6186 / 82466106186
MAN 82.46610.6187 / 82 46610 6187 / 82466106187

Double Convoluted Air Spring 2B230-175 DS185

Replaces These Air Springs (Air Bellows / Air Actuator)
Continental ContiTech: FD 138-18 DS 66505
Continental ContiTech: FD 138-18 1/2 M10
Continental ContiTech: FD 138-18 DS 1/2 M10
Continental ContiTech: FD 138-18 DS G1/2
Continental ContiTech: FD 138-18 DS G1/2 M10
Continental ContiTech: FD 138-18 DS / FD138-18DS / FD13818DS
Continental ContiTech Bellow: FD 138-18 / FD138-18 / FD13818
Firestone No. : W01-R58-4055 / W01 R58 4055 / W01R584055
Firestone Style: 8″ x 2 / 8″x2 / 8×2
Goodyear: 2B8-2150 / 2B8 2150 / 2B82150
Goodyear Flex No.: 578-92-3-2150 / 578 92 3 2150 / 5789232150
Springride: 2B8-2150 / 2B8 2150 / 2B82150
Springride Flex No.: 578-92-3-2150 / 578 92 3 2150 / 5789232150
Dunlop FR: 8″x2 SP1490
Dunlop FR: 8″x2 SP918
Dunlop UK (Pneuride): PNP 30550 01 12 / PNP305500112
Norgren: M/31082 / M 31082 / M31082
Parker: 8″x2 9109011
WEFORMA: WBZ-G 350 / WBZ-G350 / WBZG350
Airtech: 113060
Airtech Ref.: 2B-200 / 2B 200 / 2B200
Prime-Ride New: 2B8-2150 / 2B8 2150 / 2B82150
Prime-Ride New Flex No.: 578-92-3-2150 / 578 92 3 2150 / 5789232150
YS-AIR: YS-210-2V / YS 210 2V / YS2102V
Rubena: 8″ x 2 / 8″x2 / 8×2
Oria: 8″ x 2 / 8″x2 / 8×2
Manufacturer Original-part no. Model
Fruehauf F 48054 / F48054
Fruehauf M 80A04 / M48054
Granning 15803
Lohr A 060 30 604 / A06030604
SAMRO H 25 00188 / H2500188
SISU 153 111 0600 / 1531110600

Single Convoluted Air Spring 1B215-85 A123

Replaces These Air Springs
Continental ContiTech: FS 120-9 3/4 M8
Continental ContiTech: FS 120-9 CI G3/4
ContiTech Bellow: FS 120-9 / FS120-9 / FS1209
Firestone: W01-M58-6165 / W01 M58 6165 / W01M586165
Firestone Style: 116B
Dunlop FR: 8″x1 S08101
Bosch: 822419003
Festo: EB-215-80 / EB 21580 / EB21580
Norgren: PM/31081 / PM 31081 / PM31081
Nominal Ø (inch) x convolutions: 8″ x 1 / 8″x1 / 8×1
Weforma: WBE 300-E1 / WBE 300 E1 / WBE300E1
Airtech: 111003
Airtech Style: 1B-190 / 1B 190 / 1B190
Megatech: 1S120-9 3/4 M8
Manufacturer Original-part no. Model